What is this?

Reciprocal narrowing is the phenomenon in which two or more interacting parties continually refine the range of acceptable behavior between them. This is done by mutually agreeing upon a more and more narrowly defined set of goals and behaviors, creating a more cohesive and productive team or organization. This works to eliminate distraction and ambiguity, thus enabling greater visibility and clarity for decision making. As such, it is an effective and reliable process for creating order and alignment in collaborative work.

See also: choice making, feedback loop, game theory, reciprocal opening, simulated thinking

Vervaeke & (Green)Hall: Bullshit & Simulated Thinking 16,720

John and Jordan II On the religion that is not a religion. 6,150

"Dialogos 3 Jordan Hall, John Vervaeke, Chris Mastropietro & Guy Sengstock 2,057